AdSense Record Earnings

Last Update: December 03, 2010

Hi Guys,

I had a record adsense month making a massive $78.62 hehe - OK nothing to really shout about but it's early days for me and adsense. I only started using it in October so it's coming on nicely.

However, that's not the point of this blog. Check out this youtube vid. Don't get freaked out if it get's a bit complicated. Just use it for motivation if you're an adsense newbie. Lisa is the real deal and I'd recommend you subscribe.

===> What This Video Here <===



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jimmywrex Premium
Thanks guys. Lisa makes some really important points towards the end of that vid which I thought was definately worth hearing. Bottom line: action = results!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jimmy. Obviously interested in knowing more about AdSense. Congratulation on your record month.
NEA03 Premium
Gonna check out the video, thanks for sharing.