Goals 2010 Review & Stuff for 2011

Last Update: January 05, 2011

Back in January I set myself some serious goals. I wanted to make them achievable and attainable so I didn’t go too crazy (like $10K per month) but they’re still pretty tough goals to meet. Especially when you have a full time job too.

Below is a recap of those goals sat back in January. I'm happy to report that I smashed all of these goals except forn one.  

By the end of 2010 I wil:

1. Be earning an average $70 per day profit – YES!

2. Have had one $250 day – NO, sadly I came up short here only ever hitting $220 in one day. <?xml:namespace prefix = o>

3. Have made 5 new WA referral sales – YES!

So here are my new goals for 2011:

1. Be earning an average of $200 everyday on autopilot. This means SEO clients and Flippa sales not included.

2. Have had one $500 day.


3. Make 300 WA sales to qualify for Vegas.


4. Get my ‘make money’ list to 2000 loyal subscribers.


Good luck to everyone else & a big thank you to all the WAers who have helped, advised and inspired along the way.


Make this your game changing year!



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jimmywrex Premium
Cool. Lets take this to another level in 2011. Im already looking forward tro writting my 2 years in WA success forum post!
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm with you Jimmy! May the Force be with you.