Confessions of a Full Time Affiliate Marketer

Last Update: July 06, 2011

Hey Guys,

 I just wrote a new blog post entitled:

Confessionsof a Full Time Affiliate Marketer -

4 Embarrasing Newbie Mistakes to Avoid.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this if you have a few spare mins in your day. 



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angib88 Premium
Speaking as a newbie, I thought it was interesting and had some great information. Thanks!
jimmywrex Premium
Hi Devan, linking to our posts would be great. No problem at all.
Devan Premium
Hi Jimmy. I visited your site. I think it is a great idea. If you don't mind in the future I may try linking a post or two on my blog back to your site. Cheers. Devan :)
jimmywrex Premium
Thanks Joan. Hope you had a fun few days away.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Jimmy, I want to read it. Been away a few days and playing catch up. I'm sure what you wrote is very interesting.