Posts by Johnforte5 5
'Whatever thing that infuriates you the most is the problem that has been created for you to solve'. This simple quote is one of the reasons why I am still WA.  My first few weeks at WA was a harrowing experience for me and those I continually bothered. My worry? How to find a niche. I asked endless questions about niches without finding answers satisfactory enough to jump start me. I qerried, quizzed, probably read more articles, watched more videos about niches than most people on WA. I b
Hi guys, nothing is more satisfying that seeing people go to your site and offering suggestion on how to make it better. I recently had a visitor suggesting that i add a "google+" button my the blog! I am confused and want to ask. What purpose does a google button serve and how do you add one (steps please)? Besides this i also have a problem with having all my posts on the same page. I want them on separate pages. Help anyone?  
November 21, 2011
If you have read my blog or any of my posts you will find out that i have been struggling with a niche of choice for awhile now. Now i still don't have a niche yet, but am taking steps here and there towards being a success in WA by doing something else. I recently launched a forum on my Blackberry Messenger called  AMF (Affiliate Marketers Forum) and without an effort at all i already have 28 members asking me what the forum is all about. This is my second hour on the messenger answering q
November 19, 2011
I have been in WA for the past 18 days now and i am still stuck on lesson 1. What is my problem? Finding a niche. Suggestions have been made by well meaning members including Kyle and Carson but i still have not gone beyond the first lesson. I was asked to make my passion my niche but the truth is that i have a very competitive one: 'Making money' which brought me to WA in the first place and 'Soccer'. But for every kind of KW I query in or usi
November 08, 2011
My name is John. I am Nigerian and like I like to say, most people will like to take to their heels when they hear that. Yes I agree, we are known for a lot of "things'. But then that represents a small percentage of the entire entire population. The truth is that most of us like to make a living the old fashion way, and that is what brought me to WA. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">   The Affiliate Marketing concept is totally new to me, bu
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