Whatever Infuriates You The Most...

Last Update: December 11, 2011

'Whatever thing that infuriates you the most is the problem that has been created for you to solve'. This simple quote is one of the reasons why I am still WA.

 My first few weeks at WA was a harrowing experience for me and those I continually bothered. My worry? How to find a niche. I asked endless questions about niches without finding answers satisfactory enough to jump start me. I qerried, quizzed, probably read more articles, watched more videos about niches than most people on WA.

I became so obssessed about finding a niche that would get me the results that I totally forgot about taking action. Staying awake till the early morn became a norm for me. I became sad and frustrated that I wanted to give up until I saw this quote: 'Whatever thing that infuriates you the most is the problem that has been created for you to solve'.

Then it dawned on me!!! I probably know more about niche hunting that most people out there ( with exception to the Masters at WA). I also read a blog post by a member who said: 'The best way to learn about something was to teach it'.

That was my EUREKA! That became the jump start I was so looking for. That became the reason for my stay at WA and hopefully the beggining of new things for me.

You see to launch a campaign you need a passion. Something that you enjoy doing or reading about. But what if thats not the way to go for you? What if there is a particular problem setting you back, preventing you from being a successful Internet Marketer? A clog in the wheels of progress, a shackle, a .....?

What is that one thing that is holding you back? You will be surpised to know that the best way to tackle this problem is to teach it!!! Its not going to be a walk in the park, but I assure you that with consistency and a little hard work, you will over time be an authority in the given field.

This sounds a little unconventional I know, but the fact that it is a problem for you means that it is a problem for so many. And the only way you can make money online is by helping people.

So find a passion to launch a campaign. But IF you are INSTEAD of finding a passion  keep finding problem, look for ways to solve them.

Get busy. 

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johnforte5 Premium
@Jave. Thanks. Its John not Joan. Guess our name sounds and looks alike, except for the 'a' and 'h'. Lol.
Jave27 Premium
Great post, Joan! It can be hard at first to figure out what you want to design a site around. But yeah, find a problem, then solve it!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good idea. Hah! That means I'd have to teach software programing...not. You can share insight with others on the very thing that snagged and frustrated you as a newbie.
johnforte5 Premium
@Joan. Yes you can. Most newbies can easily identify with a snag or frustration. I know like myself many are looking for answers to questions that you must have gotten answers to as a newbie. Thanks again Joan for... You know what.