Greatest Obstacles or Greatest Blog Blurt?

Last Update: June 05, 2011

You know I was just thinking I have been around affiliate marketing for a while, studying the many facets of seo, on page, off page, strategies, changing alogs ect. And studying the ins and outs of web hosting, Wordpress architechture, site builders, dreamweaver? Ha!, and the like. Analyzing competition factors, trying to wrap my head around developing a feel for constructing excellent onpage seo based on competition and at the same time incorporating worthwhile and value content for engaging my target audiences. Niche strategies that can be used across the board including psychology of colors, designing site navigation for internet attention spans, ect ect ect ect.....AAHHHhaaa! And not to mention the aspects that were not mentioned and the literally hundreds of associated details that were actually mentioned.When do we get to the part when  we make money?

I keep thinking to myself I will slowly develop my dozen and a half or so choice picked domain names and enter into a flow of progress, or so I think.

Stick to a plan, start simple, start slow but finish the projects. If you make mistakes, good. Just do it all over again but better.

I had a site that was actually making a few sales a week, I thought there was a problem with the site builders seo inflexibility so I decided to move the site to wordpress. Why would I muck up a perfectly small performing website that was making sales instead of building a new one but better and faster? We all make mistakes, right? But to ruin an imperfect site that was ranking on the first top five for my chosen keywords? 

I think one very important key to success is to be able to weigh and judge how to build success under multiple scenarios and do this over and over again.

Even if it starts with one simple website!

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Praise Premium
Failure is very painful...but I hope you rinsed and repeated your action and built another site that's making results.