SEO Updates

Last Update: May 03, 2012

Penguin Analysis:

Thought I would share a good post about natural link building and where Google stands in perceiving them.

Penguin Analysis: SEO Isn’t Dead, But You Need to Act Smarter (And 5 Easy Ways to Do So!)


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kyle Premium Plus
If everyone were to think about SEO from a "logic" standpoint and not a "process" standpoint, there would be a lot less Google slapping going on. The problem is that people find out what works, and then abuse it.

Anchor Text is a good example, but if you follow the laws of logic, there is no way that a site would ever (in a natural form) get 100 backlinks from the exactly same "anchor text'. This spells gaming in Google's eyes and rightly so.

Go about your SEO tasks naturally and look at things from a user perspective. If you build your sites for user experience and you treat backlinks the same way, you are going to be just fine when the next Penguin comes around!
JonnyX Premium
Agreed. If you think back to the time where 'savvy' webmasters only had to fill up their meta keyword data in order to rank for those chosen keywords, nothing else mattered to get rankings! How the internet survived back then who knows!? The thing of it is, search engine technology back then were dinosaurs, and if you really think about it they are still quite primitive in perspective to what they try to accomplish which is bringing quality relevant content to the user. It is interesting to consider that it really is an evolving process on different fronts, one is the search engines task of bringing quality search results to their user, to do this they need to continually improve their knowledge, technology and ability to do so. When people start understanding how to manipulate SERPS to rank their content without regard to relevant user experience the quality of the SERPS does go down, searchers become unhappy, the search engine being the business that it is needs to adjust its search algorithm to increase its search quality. This has happened many times over and has been called many names from Florida to Penguin, ( for a brief history of Google updates see "" ). People who want to be the most successful must understand both sides, "best seo practices" together with the science/art of marketing and offering worthwhile user experience. Maybe I should make an info-graphic about best seo practices.....oops.. info-graphics I hear they are currently scrutinized and possibly will be link devalued according to Matt Cutts. No I'm serious! Links placed inside Info-graphics are in contention of being abused because the link in it is not readily identifiable and often is abused with unrelated content. Perhaps the evolution and technology for search engines to perceive content value, relevance and quality in a equal and diverse way will grow beyond the simple work around updates and Google dances that are needed because of abused seo factors that periodically dominate SERPS. I really like the fact that WA does stress content creation based on quality, originality and relevancy, but I would also like to see some sort of WA seo shop for beginners, intermediates and advance to foster these "best seo practices" as well. I can't believe I just noticed Kyles reply two months later! ......" Its all about offering and delivering a useful goods/service to others! Everything else are just details!"