Posts by Jpetals 4
I have been reading a lot of posts in WA lately about their competition and how they can't compete because the keyword phrase has X amount of direct competitors or X amount of broad phrase competitors.  This post is to help some of you see around those numbers. Let's face it, many of us love numbers... we need to if we are going to succeed in IM.  Also, many of us are always looking for a magic number that will help make our job faster and hopefully produce more money!  However, s
This was my first week "back". Felt good to be back in the WA forum both answering and asking. What did I do outside of WA? Researched two new niches and made lenses on them. In the middle of researching a third niche. I reread a lot of material to make sure I hadn't forgotten any of the basics. I applied to three new CPA programs and I was already accepted by one. I blasted an email to my largest list and had a nice return of emails with satisfied readers. I researched an existing nic
October 23, 2009
The beauty of affiliate marketing is that if you disappear for a few months, you don't piss anyone off.  ;)  Life has been throwing me curve balls, splitters and balks...  Not necessarily pretty, but all in the work of being a mom and a loving partner. I'm writing this entry hoping that I'll be around a lot more.  I want to get back to dedicating my spare time to affiliate marketing.  I'm going to poke around the new layout and see if there is anything new that catches m
July 22, 2009
Wow.  Wow. I cannot believe it was one year ago that I joined WA.  What a life altering day that was... and who knew?  I certainly didn't!!!!   How many of you that have been here for over a year and have found success feel the same?  I think I new in the pit of my stomach that I would eventually figure out this online money making thing, but it hasn't made it any easier. Wow. If I only double my earnings in the next year, I will be a very happy woman.   Th