Not much to show, but almost back in the groove

Last Update: October 30, 2009

This was my first week "back". Felt good to be back in the WA forum both answering and asking.

What did I do outside of WA?

Researched two new niches and made lenses on them.
In the middle of researching a third niche.
I reread a lot of material to make sure I hadn't forgotten any of the basics.
I applied to three new CPA programs and I was already accepted by one.
I blasted an email to my largest list and had a nice return of emails with satisfied readers.
I researched an existing niche to see if we could get a little bit wider with our digging.  I think the CPA programs I applied to will be a nice match and hopefully convert to $. 

Next week I want to work on backlinks for the new niches and writing some articles.  Yuck to next week, but as an article marketer, I know that this is the most necessary of all evils.  *blech* again.


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