About Jse04
Joined April 2009
My name is Jennoi. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I graduated in 2007 majoring in marketing. I currently play semi-professional soccer for London City. Also, I enjoy eating food especially carribean and italian. I am Engaged and very excited with my life.
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TJ Books Premium
Click on my pic to reply. Learn Here! Work Here! STAY HERE! Welcome! John
seeker1415 Premium
Jennoi, thanks for the pm nice to virtually meet you. Try to keep in contact but will be busy reading for the next 150 hours. I've got a lot of learning to do. I wish you much success and prosperity.
Pele Premium
Jennoi welcome to WA you're in the right place for sharpening your on-line marketing efforts.
jse04 Premium
Thanks for the post man! we will keep in touch hopefully you can help with your expertise in IM!
sunshine12 Premium
Looks like I figured it out! :-) Thanks for the suggestion and welcome!!!
jse04 Premium
hey no problem talk to you soon
MrAlaska Premium
Good!Welcome to WA!
jse04 Premium
Thanks buddy for the welcome! I added you as a friend.