About Karambolina
Joined November 2011
Hi everyone! My name is Anna. I live in Dublin, Ireland, with my husband and two beloved pugs. I'm new to online marketing and find the whole thing quite overwhelming. In fact, when it comes to learning something new I do it at a turtle pace. I hope to achive some results one day and ready to learn. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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LynnM Premium
Hi and welcome to Wa! Good luck to you.
Deezdz Premium
Was just speaking to you in live chat and wanted to drop by and introduce myself. I noticed your pic didn't come up in chat...as mine doesn't either. Nice meeting you Anna....oh...Dublin is on my hit-list for vacations...it looks soooo beautiful! - Dee
Deezdz Premium
Oh..then it's the Irish countryside I want to visit...lol
I have 4 nich markets I'm working in and I just made my first CB sale of 2012 today...telling everyone because I'm so happy! I think IM is like a snowball effect. It starts off with small tedious tasks and builds momentum as it starts to take off. We'll keep in touch so we can encourage each other.
Karambolina Premium
Hi Dee! Happy New Year! Hope this years will bring us all luck. How's your online marketing going? Mine is veeeery slow. I have been fiddling with one of my sites for ages to make it workable. Was nearly at the point of banging my head against the wall, ha ha. Hope one day you will come over to Dublin. But I have to tell you that it is not beautiful at all. Irish countryside is beautiful but Dublin isn't...
Karambolina Premium
Hi Dee! Well done on CB success! I have nothing to report unfortunately. As I said in my intro I'm a turtle and crawl very slowly through the learning process. The only positive development is that people seem to like my writing on my blog and that is really inspiring.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Tojuwon Premium
welcome to WA, You said any advice, start with reading this blog https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/41109/tab/blog/blog_id/13812 (you can copy and paste it). Make use of the chat extensively (upper left beside forum). There are usually people there willing to help you for FREE. so again welcome to the best internet community ive been with.
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
Karambolina Premium
Thanks Webkab. At the moment I get very frustrated with SA. I submitted an article 5 days ago(!!) and it is still pending. Someone suggested PM Kyle which I did but no result. I also sent a query to Team @ SA but I believe they hardley ever check those messages. I see no point in submitting more articles since the latest one is pending approval for 5 days. No idea what to do...