About Karen P
Joined October 2009
“My aim is to help others to find what their PURPOSE and PASSION is in life, so they can realise their full potential and create the life of their

I am married and have three young adult children. My background is in health, and I have a passion for personal growth, inspirational reading, yoga, travel and photography.

I work from home, helping people who have decided to make positive changes in their lives, both personally and health wise.

The products I work with are fantastic tools to help people to work out what they really want in life, and then how to focus and stay committed so they will truly realise their desires. (website to be completed)

This is a rewarding business to be involved in and I love the time and freedom it brings me and my family.
Karen P's Accomplishments

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Skybound Premium
Hi Karen
We joined WA on the same day, so I thought I'd say hi and wish you well.
Karen P Premium
Thanks for that. I hope all goes well for you also. I have a lot to learn.
TJ Books Premium
Welcome, Karen! Have fun! John
Karen P Premium
Thanks John. I am looking forward to things happening!
Bryceb Premium
Welcome to WA and Internet Marketing for that matter. If I can be of any help especially with you getting started then please don't hesitate to contact me. :)
Bryceb Premium
Hi Karen,

It is going well, actually to be honest I work pretty late at my day job, I only get done by 8 at night so by the time I get home have dinner and then sit down and put in some time its not much I get to do. So considering the amount of time I am putting into this I am doing pretty well. :)
Bryceb Premium
Thanks Karen, that is a nice thing to say. :)
Karen P Premium
Thanks for the welcome. How is your business going?
Karen P Premium
You deserve to win.
Dazzlecat Premium
Hello and welcome! I am also interested in personal growth and self-help. I actually have a website about healing with art: https://www.self-help-healing-arts-journal.com

Are you interested in learning how to promote products or are you using the information you learn here to build your own business? Either way, best of luck to you and if you need help or encouragement, please send me a message.
Karen P Premium
Thanks for the welcome. We have a few things in common. I love the whole field of possibility.
Karen P Premium
Hi all.
I am new to this game and am keen to connect with people using internet marketing to create an income.