What is really important?

Last Update: October 10, 2009

I just spent the day with group of friends and family at a country style BBQ with a HUGE bonfire. We wrapped potatoes and Kumara in foil and cooked them in the ashes. My kids were there too. It was awesome, and I realised how important it is to keep in touch and spend time with the people you love. When you think about it, at the end of the day, at the end of your life, who will be there for you???

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Internetgranny Premium
Yes, it's absolutely true, at the end of your life it'll be family that will be most important to you.

Like Charlie, I'm curious what Kumara is. And where do you live?? (Just being nosey...)
Clheer Premium
I try to spend one day of the weekend with my family. My parents and brothers with their families all live within a 20 mile radius (as well as a set of grandparents). I am very fortunate to have them so close. Teaching my daughter, who is 12, that family is so important has been a challenge. Her father, who also lives in this same 20 mile radius, unfortunately is not a part of her life, hence the importance has been a struggle for her. However, my family is very understanding of the situation and go out of there way from time to time to make her feel special.
I agree, at the end of the day, who really is going to really care about who you are and how you're doing? Family!!
charlieandcathy Premium
That was very well put karen, I love the idea ofthe bonfire and potatoes but what was the the Kumara?