Posts by Kat Magnus 7
October 28, 2009
Site is coming along and have added a few resources to the arsnal, like an autoresponder and such like....It's quite a challenge to get my head around the way to work it all out and not too sure if I'm even half way there yet.   But I'm still going with it. Hope you guys are doing great :-)
September 29, 2009
Hi :-) Ok so many of you may have already thought of this but just in case I wanted to share with you the method I use for finding directories and forums aside from the well known ones.  If you know this already then that's great if there is anyone out there stuck on where to post articles...what I've been doing is using my niche name followed by directory or forum in a google search. So for example let pick the golf niche, niche it right down to professional golf clubs maybe even  nin
September 28, 2009
Finally thesite is up and now for the posting of the articles.....   During the last few days I've come across a humdinger of a resource which I would like to share with you. This really is a great tool for building your list and your business. And the best news is that it's absolutely free. That's right absolutely free....and when I tell may just rush straight out and register for one.  Are you ready for this.....? It's a....... free........ Autoresponder which c
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September 26, 2009
This week I managed to write 2 articles for WA but I hit my target of 10 articles for my niche in finance. I also picked some images for the website and a few products to just registering the domain and then will be desiging the site this evening....going to head back into the tutorials to see how to design a good landing page and also to learn how to use it to start building a list..... I read somewhere that a good number of articles a day to aim for is 10....duanting but do able a
September 22, 2009
I managed to escape the offline course mentioned in my last blog :-) It was not as valuable as time spent learning and putting into action the lessons from WA. I invested in a proper folder and A4 writing pad yesterday to make notes in an organised fashion on what I'm learning and planning instead of on scraps of paper :-) Taking the rest of today off and will treat the last two days like the weekend. Back on course as of tomorrow morning. Goal is to get 2 articles up on each day in the listed f
September 20, 2009
So on my quest to reach Thailand in mid Feb, I've decided to set the goal of reaching my first $100 day by 28 October. Today I have a few errands to run in the world out side and Tuesday and Wednesday I'm attending an offline course, great, but kind of gutting as it's time away from here...... I'm getting addicted. This is great :-)
1 comment
September 19, 2009
Have been really interested in learning and putting into action the secrets of the online marketing gurus and was scouring the net looking through numerous individual landing pages and just not getting anywhere...until I stumbled on WA :-) As soon as I signed up I knew this was the real deal....a really solid feeling site with tons of information all in one place so I wouldn't get lost anymore :-)  Now I was just speaking to my friends who live in Prague this morning before I found WA and t