Thailand Mid February

Last Update: September 19, 2009

Have been really interested in learning and putting into action the secrets of the online marketing gurus and was scouring the net looking through numerous individual landing pages and just not getting anywhere...until I stumbled on WA :-) As soon as I signed up I knew this was the real deal....a really solid feeling site with tons of information all in one place so I wouldn't get lost anymore :-)

 Now I was just speaking to my friends who live in Prague this morning before I found WA and they were saying they're going to Thailand mid February for 25 days and they invited me....I was like wow 25 days...well I may not be able to afford it and if I could I'd only come for two weeks cause of work....

Later I found WA and after seeing that if I work this properly I can make a nice amount of money online....I set myself the goal of creating enough of an income from internet marketing alone to join them for the full 25 days in mid February....

I called up a friend in the evening and told her and she said she was going to be in Thailand too around mid February....

So that's goal is to be in Thailand in mid February having created enough success online to cover the cost of the trip and give me some regular income....

Phew....wish me luck :-)

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bdubc Premium
You can defiantly do it. Just stay focus, set all you short term goals in order and you will do it.
Oahuspirit Premium
I love your goal! It is very inspirational.
Please keep me posted to how you are doing.

Continued blessings,