Don't OPEN that email!!!!!!

Last Update: January 07, 2011

I gave in to all those emails that make huge promises and ended up paying the price.  One of those darlings came with a trojan that weaved its way deep into my hard-drive.  In the beginning I noticed small annoyances with the computer but didn't think anything of it, and I never worried because I always did a full scan on my computer at the end of the day - just in case.  I also backed up my data.  But guess what - something that sneaky gets saved with your data once it's weaved it's way through, on the expernal hard drive and on the Norton backup.  Everything has now been deleted.  So much for backup.

Today is the first day I have my laptop back.  For 2 weeks I have been borrowing my husbands and daugthers computers.  Mine has been thoroughly nuked (3 times to be exact), but I am watching  carefully for any little signs.  Definately gun shy.

So today I am manually loading in all my site and blog addresses along with some odds and ends.

Do yourself a favor - don't open the emails or opt in on those seemingly wonderful offers.  Don't learn the lesson the way I did.

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Old Mizer Premium
I'm sorry to hear about the virus. A trojan always means trouble. With the exception of college football, that is. I don't care for any of them from McAfee to Norton. Joan gave a very good suggestion. She's always on top of things. :~) I wanted to give you another option if money isn't overflowing at the moment. This is the best hound dog I've found for viruses that is Free. There is also a paid version with a few more options. However, the FREE option will find ANYthing on your hard drive. I have downloaded it and used it on computers of friends many times. It always finds something. Even better than AVG, IMO. Check it out, ==>
jatdebeaune Premium
I highly recommend a company called Invisus to protect your computer from viruses. I used to have Norton, but Invisus blows them all out of the water. Costs $99 a year and gives you unlimited support. They'r ideal for people doing business online.
Hazie Premium
Very, very helpful information. I've written some EZine articles about these "rags to riches" shiny blings that look like gold, but are metal! However, the nasty viruses or worms planted takes their deception to an entirely new level. Thanks so much for sharing that!