Like Us on Facebook????

Last Update: February 24, 2011

If you want us to Like WA on Facebook then the Facebook icon needs to be added to the WA site sign-in page.  Everyone who is a WA affiliate has a Facebook page.  When you start to go through them all looking for the real WA page you get a lot of affiliate links.   It would help and save a lot of time if the icon was here.

Or was the whole point so that we see all the WA pages?????

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dec944 Premium
I agree. If they're just collecting "likes" then they should have a link. I've been trying to get WA members to "Like" me WITH a link and can't get them to go there. I belong to another forum and they stepped up for me, but not WA. Don't know why. A link or Like button really helps. Maybe just the just want the Recommend button.