About KazL
Joined September 2009
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KazL Premium
Great Squidoo just shut down one of my accounts!
KazL Premium
strange day! Have been learning like crazy which is great. Actually got a sale last week but nothing this week yet hundreds of hits and order form impressions - trying not to get down - how do I get a mentor???
dave-min Premium
hi and welcome aboard best of luck on your new journey here at WA
KazL Premium
Ok, new day for me and ready to learn about google ads. Need to do something to drive traffic to my site!
Wish you all a fantastic day of many sales.
KazL Premium
Still nervous about putting up my first google ad!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey wyrm11268: Good morning and welcome to WA community! Tell us something about yourself.
Did you start your program? Any question let me know, OK?
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Thanks for your prompt response.
Keep in touch.
KazL Premium
Hello Rodrigo, thanks for the welcome! I have so many questions it is hard to know where to start. Plan on trying to learn as much as possible.
Love your dog :-)