About KC Chiefs
Joined March 2011
Hey there hows it going just signed up to see if i can make some bill paying money you know cell phone,gas,lunch money the little stuff . No big money .I like to read .The book i just got done was the POWER by Rhonda Byrne the person how did the secret.GREAT book also THE MISSING SECRET by Joe Vitale
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no doubt Premium
Welcome aboard KC Chief's and yes this is hard and you are going to make mistakes, but this is YOUR business, just as if you had a store on your local corner, you must take the time to learn the ends and out's are you will be destine to fail As you may know the rabbit is faster than the turtle, but the turtle out lives the rabbit by many, many years. Also don't fall for all the programs that claim you will make big bucks overnite. Been there done that, and it ain't going to happen. Hang in there and learn and money will cometh. .
KC Chiefs Premium
this is all i got www.helpothersberich.com and a phone number give me a call 630-995-4450
KC Chiefs Premium
this is all i got www.helpothersberich.com and a phone number give me a call 630-995-4450
KC Chiefs Premium
Can anyone tell me or show me what to do to get visitors to my website this net is hard and dont have years to learn .Can someone help ? or show me a easy way or short cut. Thank you thank you thank you
Helmut Premium
Read Vitale's E-Code - was ok. KaChing by Joel Comm so far so good. Good luck...
KC Chiefs Premium