Posts by KeithT 2
Well I 'd like to step away for a while to give more time to pursuing another level of graduate studies in business administration/management that I've been delaying for some time and to further develop my business consulting company. WA has provided me with a great deal of knowledge and the buddies I made have been exemplary in their show of exuberance to help newbies and everyone else in the nuts and bolts of Internet/Affiliate Marketing without reservation. WA is a great place with an expan
Welcome to my Blog and it’s a pleasure to blog here.  The resources and tools at WA gave me a clearer understanding of Internet / Affiliate Marketing than I had before I came on board.  It takes a lot of diligence and perseverance to get comfortable with the pieces of the puzzle but it’s more than worth the effort to gain those skills required to do IM. The elements are laid out in detail and are quite structured, making the journey easier to go through at WA.  There’s a lot