Taking a Hiatus for a while ...

Last Update: January 14, 2010

Well I 'd like to step away for a while to give more time to pursuing another level of graduate studies in business administration/management that I've been delaying for some time and to further develop my business consulting company.

WA has provided me with a great deal of knowledge and the buddies I made have been exemplary in their show of exuberance to help newbies and everyone else in the nuts and bolts of Internet/Affiliate Marketing without reservation.

WA is a great place with an expansive range of study material to learn the dynamics of this business  from scratch to becoming an expert, thanks to the vision of Kyle & Carson. I'll still be maintaining my Website and Blog and be back here at a later time after satisfying the criteria of my further business studies.

Have a great, successful and prosperous 2010, y'all ... 




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