A Change of Mind(set)

Last Update: December 13, 2011

 All of my life I have been a math person.  My brain sees numbers in everything.  So naturally, I obtained my degree in accounting and went on to a profession in finance.  Now, I get the joy of working with numbers and spreadsheets every day.  This is my comfort zone.  Really.

Internet marketing is not in my comfort zone.

Working in the corporate world I have come to find that the finance group and the marketing group do not always see eye to eye.  I think it is due largely to the fact that we both speak a different language.  Marketing is about promoting the “brand”.  Finance is about maximizing the bottom line.  Finance tends to be mostly left-brained (logical; analytical; objective); whereas, marketing is more right-brained (creative; intuitive; subjective).  I fully understand that a business needs marketing to be successful, but my “left” brain struggles to come to terms with the exact ROI (return on investment) that marketing brings. 

As an aspiring internet marketer, I feel it is imperative to be able to blend both sides of the brain to be truly successful.  The WA training program is laid out in a very sequential, logical manner that appeases the left-brain side.  However, there is more to being an internet marketer than just following steps.  It is the understanding of the process as a whole.  It is the development of the creative right-brain side.  It is then combining both sides of the brain to work through a solution.  This requires a new way of thinking.

This new way of thinking is requiring me to get out of my comfort zone.

Most of my struggles with the program thus far have been related to my comfort zone issue.  I need to be able to let go of the comfort of my analytics and embrace all that is … well … everything else.  As I am still new at this, I do not fully understand what “everything else” really is.  Then I had an epiphany.

I need a new mindset.

Now, I realize that a changing of the mind(set) does not occur overnight (as much as I would like it to).  This has taken some significant effort on my part and I am still coming to terms with my new way of thinking.  There are some days in which I feel confident and I am full of determination.  And, there are days in which I feel confused and overwhelmed.  Fortunately, the good days have been out numbering the bad.  I will just keep sponging up all that I can and keep up my resolve.  I will keep working on my new mindset.

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.” – Max De Pree

Take care,


P.S. – If you have any suggestions on what “everything else” might be please feel free to use the comments section below.

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