My Week 1 Blog (Rank #4380)

Last Update: November 30, 2011

I have been here at WA for a little less than a week now, so I thought now is as good of time as any to publish my first blog.  I hope to be able to look back at this blog in a few months and again in a few years and be amazed at how far I have come.  I am sure the “future-me” will want to go back in time and reassure the “current-me” that everything is going to work out fine.  I also hope that the “current-me” is able to provide the “future-me” with a few laughs along the way. 

I titled this blog “Week 1” instead of using a specific day because I am falling behind in the 30-day Success Club/Action Plan.  As a full-time employee/husband/dad I find that I have very little “extra-time” to follow along with the course work.  However, I am not in the least bit worried.  I have already picked out my niche (very exciting!) and I have registered my domain name (also exciting!) and I am working on the tweaking my website (plug-ins – not so exciting).  I will just keep plugging away working towards my ultimate goal – making money! 

One thing I am currently obsessing about is the WA member ranking (included in the title of the blog).  I am a highly competitive person and I always “play to win the game!” – Herman Edward”.  While I do not necessarily want to beat any other member’s rankings, I like to see if I am improving over time.  It is just another data point that I am able to analyze.  I am going to use it to motivate myself even more! 

How about that Forum?  Are you kidding me?  It is just as good as advertised – and perhaps even better!  One of the reasons that I am not further along in my development is because I get to reading a lot in the forum.  I have already been able to avoid one issue (a specific Word Press template wasn’t working), found some advice on Google Analytics, and have also been able to find a discount code for purchasing a website domain on GoDaddy (the code is FAN3 and works for .com names only).  If I could only find a way to channel the energy going on in the forum to productive work …I’m thinking …I’m thinking …I’m thinking… 

Lastly, I am going to try and keep these blogs to the recommended article length of at least 400 words.  However, I do not have link for this one, maybe on the next.  The way I look at it is that there are several potential customers here at WA.  Most of them are making money and that money needs to be spent on something.  Stay tuned shoppers. 

Thanks to anyone and everyone who takes the time to read this.  Please feel free to add comments of any nature.  While I am not easily insulted, I prefer positive comments. 

“It’s so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to.” – Annie Gottlier 

Take care, 


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Labman_1 Premium
I'm sure your "future-me" will have plenty to say to you.....One thing is that the member rank really isn't all that important. I've obsessed about it in the past, what you will find is that if you learn well and participate with the other members your rank will naturally get better. But there comes a point where you are spending too much time participating and not enough time doing your own work. Try to find a balance.

Time spent in the Forums is not wasted time. You have already pointed out some benefits. Congrats on the Godaddy Code. I didn't know about that one.

Links are not necessary for your WA blog but if you find something salient to IM that will make other's lives easier, by all means post the link. Self promotion should be kept to your other blogs.

Good Luck and Welcome to WA!
KerryLB1968 Premium
Hi Labman! Thanks for the response (sorry for the delay - got to remember to look at the comments sections). I am already past the member rank obsession - wasted time! I am still trying to strike that balance between working and participating. My learning is increasing but at the expense of actual work. Good thing I am not in a rush. I am trying to be successful on this journey - not just fast. Thanks for the input!