1st month at WA - really harder than I thought.

Last Update: July 01, 2010

 Being a member of WA for a month is an overwhelming experience for me.  I have been looking for a legitimate work-at-home opportunity online since 2004 (although it's on and off).   I'm one of those people who have tried different schemes and been wanting to experience earning money online but none of it ever worked.  I must admit, being at WA has made me realised that it's not that these schemes didn't work for me but the problem is in fact - ME.  All the learning opportunities here at WA is truly overwhelming and i'm finding it hard to absorb everything.  But like the advise that Kyle and Carson has given me in learning all these things inside WA - I need to take my time.  

I can see all there is to learn about earning money online, a lot to learn from WA and also from among those members who are patiently sharing what they can to help others - thanks to them.  And seeing them all is harder than I thought, in a way that i'm finding it hard to understand what i'm supposed to be doing- in response to what i'm supposed to be learning.  I guess internet marketing isn't really for me but I don't want to give up just like that - that's what I've been doing before, hence, i'm still in the same position as to where I am now- unsuccessful.  In view of that I would like to try my best in understanding the ABC of affiliate marketing.   Although I must say that some of the trainings and tools  here at WA isn't as user-friendly as it should be (because they also promote WA to people who doesn't have any background or knowing anything about internet marketing) - what I do is look for other ways that the topic is being explained in layman's term.  And somehow i'm getting some bits and pieces from other members and putting them together to have a better understanding of a particular topic, eg. how a landing page works and use it to promote a product.

There may be some people who are in the exact same situation like me or have been there and done that and I would just like to say that I'm open to advices from the experts.  That's one of the reasons why I made this first blog of mine - to be heard.  Feel free to send all your comments and i'm looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Thanks for your time and wish me all the luck in my WA journey.

Best regards,


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I was exactly in your spot back in Feb.I really think you should stick with it as the alternative is far more costly ie selling from a shop,market stall,Ebay etc all these oportunities cost as much and more.This business requires no stock just brains and time.
I have just come to out of the tunnel having seen the light.
My tips are....
Get to know Squidoo and how to write short articles.Enzine too
Read the info from the Halloween man.(no need to buy)just get the concept.Niche of a niche.Halloween/vampires/smiley vampires
Only buy dot com domains
Domain name has to have longish keyword with low competition and is great if you can get it in the domain name(think and research a while)
Look at Affiliate blog and funnel at top of this page and try to grasp something from it.(you will need a domain first) and YES don't do WA sales yet.
Ignore Pay Per Click/Email marketing/
Read PotPie Girl (see her website)
Anyway just try to read and grasp the concepts and do something everyday.
Good luck and dont let anyone get you down.I don;t
jatdebeaune Premium
I think too much emphasis is put on people taking action in the very beginning. Yes, action is important in order to get your feet wet and begin to make sales. However, I think you need to get comfortable with the whole concept of IM first, so you can get a feel for how things come together. You have to feel it before you can do it. Follow the action plan. I wouldn't promote WA as your first affiliate. Your instincts are right on that one. You really don't know enough yet. Read everything PoPieGirl has in the tutorial section. She has a way of clarifying the process and simplifying. She's a great teacher. I really like ezinewriter's approach to article writing too. When you are ready, meditate on a topic you can enjoy writing about, then do your reseach to make sure there is a market for it (traffic). Then make an outline of the steps to take to launch a campaign for that topic. Do it as simply as possible in the beginning. Don't worry about other people getting ahead of you. Do what's right for you. If you need help, reach out to WA members, especially in the Forum. All the best.
Louise M. Premium
It's normal to feel overwhelmed but it's very important to set goals, daily tasks and keep working, step-by-step. I wish you all the best and don't hesitate to ask if you have questions, feel overwhelmed or stuck. We're here! :)
Duley Premium
I completely understand what you are saying. I am still new to this, and haven't been with WA for a month quite yet. Like you said there is a ton of information but it does seem like it could be put into some easier order for us new people. It kind leaves us hanging with maybe some ideas to implement but have know idea where to start. I think the hardest part is there doesn't seem to be anything that says here is what you do for step 1, then after that you do step 2. For right now though I am going to continue using Rapid Writer to write articles with the keywords that don't have much competition, and from the articles I will have links that send people to one of my squidoo lenses. From there I will have affiliate links to say clickbank. After I get comfortable with that I plan on setting up a few actual websites and then start learning about PPC. Well that is the plan anyways.
Sorry I think I rambled on too much there. But let me know how far along you have gotten in IM. I would like to know if I am on the right track lol.
WilliamBill Premium
Boy can I relate to what you wrote. To be successful at this you must be an expert and knowledgeable, but how do you become an expert and knowledgeable? Just the fact of finding something to sell, then finding a company who need an Affiliate is a world of wonder, let alone Key words etc. and landing pages! WA has a lot of info. but finding it in order is difficult. Hopefully all will become clear if enough effort is put forth WilliamBill