Joined January 2010
My name is Roger I live in the East of England and I am a full time Internet Marketer.

Thanks to WA I have seen the future and have grasped it with both hands.

In between everything else in my busy life I collect and trade small antiquesand travel extensively spending a month in Queensland,Australia every year.

I love the countryside and enjoy walking and nature usually, while others are at work. That makes me smile.

Now I spend time helping others to do the same.
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Rich76 Premium
Thanks for the gold buddy..
Ezinewriter Premium
I love your little dog, what a cutty! And French like me LOL! Thanks for visiting my blog and hope this helped :)
andys43us Premium
Hey Roger.

It's good to see you are still here. A lot of guys who joined around 20th Jan have left WA(or are still here but are not doing anything). And I am sure, sales will start coming in shortly. I made a few sales, but the site that was making the sales got sandboxed :( . But I have learned a lot from it. So now I am back on square one. But now I know exactly what needs to be done. :)

All the best,
Louise M. Premium
What a cute dog !!!
Hi nice to meet you ! ;)
Ezinewriter Premium
Cute fur ball :) Welcome to WA!
Thanks for the welcome.I'm on a steep learning curve,but amazingly it's getting easier everyday (12/14hrs)per day.
I liked your post. I find enzine a bit of a pain as I'm still getting to grips with their funny ways.I am building decent websites now and have a few squidoo campaigns I must do more with enzine and submitting to others.(No sales yet though.)Anyway thanks again and give me a prod now and again. Roger (UK)