Posts by Kirsar 2
Just when you think it's not going to work and you're starting to get downhearted - you get your first commission and you get back your get up and go! I got my first sale today and you would think all my birthdays had come at once.  It's really not like getting your pay at the end of the month from your employer. It's so much more exciting than that.  I know it is only one sale and it may be a long while before I get another, but I reckon I can live on the excitement of this for a whil
June 02, 2010
Well, here we go.  My very first ever blog (it has turned out to be a long one)  and the start of my journey into Internet Marketing.  I kind of stumbled into this by mistake, but am glad I did.  I have worked hard in various managerial roles over the last 20 years and have by and large thoroughly enjoyed all the challenges that have come my way.  But in the last few years, I have become more and more disillusioned by the ever increasing need for red tape and&n