Just Another Dumb Idea...

Last Update: May 29, 2010

One of the biggest problems I have personally is keeping track of everything I am doing.

I am "OK" at being organized as far as the information and programs I keep on my computer but keeping track of what is going on as far as my campaigns out there in the Internet World is another thing...

Keeping up with campaigns, especially the ones that are a bit more competitive are time consuming. Rankings of your articles and domains fluctuate so much and have a direct bearing on your flow of income.

I am always looking for ways to automate things better or tools that help me stay up to date with less effort.

WA is amazing with all that is offered here and I am glad to hear that more improvements and upgrades are in the pipe.

One I would like to see is some sort of rank tracking tool that would keep track of the ranking of your domains and articles for your chosen keywords.  It has always been a pain in the ... to use commands in Google search to keep track of things.

I have a program I purchased that does the above and because of it I can be more targeted in my efforts to boost things when they are sagging a bit and it does the searches in seconds to get ranking data with just a click of a mouse that would take hours manually. There are also some free ones availabe that work so-so but leave a bit to be desired.

I am not making this post to recommend a product (I am not an affiliate and won't be because I try avoid the make money niche) but rather to recommend that K & C develope a simular tool for all of us inside this site.

I will however recommend the "The Newest Weapon in your Affiliate Arsenal"  if you are interested in promoting this site to others. It is stuff like this that makes WA the greatest. Thank you K&C and keep up the good work!

Best of Wishes to All My Fellow WA'ers!


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rookie-san Premium
Woah...I'm new and still learning so that's a bit scary.But I guess it's just part of the price I have to pay for all the fun I'm having with IM,huh?
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Bob, Suffering from big Sunday morning overwhelm today. I think everyone in this business needs a personal robot secretary. Too big a job for a human or some software. Think Kyle and Carson can design one for us?
DABK Premium
I officially admit that I am part of this club.
maureenhannan Premium
I think that's a great idea. I have the same problem as what you've described. ~ Maureen