We All Are Keyword Stalkers... BUT... Did You Ever Have One Sneak Up On You?

Last Update: July 08, 2010

Sometimes you get little surprises as an Affiliate Marketer, OK maybe a lot of the time, but I am referring to just the positive ones- OK?

Have you ever found out that your site or blog was ranking for a keyword you had no idea about?

Believe me, it happens, and more than you think.

I just happened to me again the other day. It happened to be several keywords in fact but one turned out to be a sleeper... one of those that gets a good amount of traffic and has little SEO competition.

You might have a tail end position on page one or maybe on page two for an unknown keyword that, with just a little effort you could drive to the top half of page one... were the traffic really is!

There are all kinds of ways to discover these but I just thought I would tip you off to a free tool that is quick and painless and just might uncover a gem for you.


This little free tool can also deliver you some other useful data if you fool around with it. You can not only check web sites but also keywords and who is ranking for them. It doesn't work for all keywords especially not the long tailed ones but still it is very helpful.

Now for something totally different... I have been playing around with Wordpress Express here at WA and was just wondering if any of you have a favorite theme you can recommend and maybe a reason or two why.

I was trying to pick one for myself but after downloading 3 I am still not really satisfied. I was looking for something like the WA Funnel Blog... with a static homepage and the Blog on a different tab. Any recommendations?

Best to everyone and MARKET ON!

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iFaith Premium
Oh thank you! I love free online tools like this. A gold nugget is on its way!
maureenhannan Premium
Oh, and I meant to say thanks for the tip! Looks good.
maureenhannan Premium
I have a few themes I can recommend to you. For the premium themes, I'm sold on Thesis. I also like FlexxSensation and BloggingSuccess by iThemes.

As for free themes, I'd recommend the following:
1. Theme Shaper – They offer “child themes” (child themes uses the main theme’s framework and allow you additional options in terms of look and style without you having to change a bunch of code)
2. Theme Hybrid – Another free set of themes. Very clean looking as well.
3. The Flexibility theme – this is very customizable theme, though not as easy as the other two to work with.