Posts by Krafty 22
Here are three items that are important to look into when deciding whether or not to buy a site on places like flippa :   1) PR ( higher PR, the value of a site is higher ) 2) backlinks ( check a few of them to see if any have pr ) 3) age ( the older the site, the more the value )   You can use a plugin for firefox to few these items :  Quirk Searchstatus   I use the plugin all of the time:)  
May 29, 2011
Batch together smaller sites. Batching is great because you can add together the unique views and page views which enhance the package.
I use a cool way for finding related keywords ( lsi ) to add to content. The method is simple but very effective. I mostly use wonder wheel, I explain the method in a video that I had added to youtube :  
Outcome on the sites that I had on flippa :   They sold for 10x the revenue which I am more than satisfied with personally:)    
I just listed 2 sites on flippa that are well-backlinked and that are earning by adsense :   If you have any questions, just let me know:)   
February 07, 2011
Just a quick note to let you know that I have added site flipping into my IM plan. I started flipping sites a few months ago. It is a great way to earn or to acquire some quick cash for other projects. What I like about it is that you do not have keep renewing domains and building backlinks forever:) It makes IM more cost and time efficient.    
Managing your time. Just a quick tip that I use daily. First thing in the morning 1) open notepad 2) adjust the font to something huge 3) make a list of tasks for im to achieve for the day 4) give each task a reasonable time constraint ( such as 20 minutes of backlinking for site A ) 5) erase a task when completed Great method because with IM, it is much much more productive if you have a daily gameplan. Plus, do not allow yourself to get distracted by surfing and looking for interesting meth
September 03, 2010
I just posted a job on joint ventures. Looking for great ezine writers to work with on a 50/50 profit split. I can handle just 4-5 people, so sign up soon :  
August 18, 2010
I received a $100 gift for adwords from google the other day. I decided to use it this time. I created a super simple campaign that a 2 year old could set-up:) I like to keep things as simple as possible.  This is what I did. I set a daily budget of $25. I used just one keyword phrase that gets about 5000 hits a month and is extremely targeted. I made sure that I had placed the product pricing in the ad so that only those that may wish to pay will click on the ad. The keyword phrase is not
1 comment
October 08, 2009
OK, I made a bunch of calculations tonight and I have determined that I will reach my next major financial goal in 6 months. I be writing 14 articles a day starting tomorrow. I will be covering 4 niches in total. Articles Per Day : ----------------------- 3 in niche A 3 in niche B 3 in niche C 5 in niche D Niche B and D have blogs so I will be adding a blog post to each of those blogs per day also. They each have an aweber opt-in so my articles will be pointing each day to the blog post and a