2012 and beyond

Last Update: January 12, 2012

While working 70 hours a week for the past few I've found it a bit difficult to keep up with WA.

I did have the occasion to read through the Materials provided by our capable hosts here at WA.

What a Great Bonus.  If you haven't gotten around to it, stop over to your Home page and download the Traffic Explosion 3.0 Now or click on this link.


Here's a bit of fun from our Northern neighbors.  Seems there are a few bears in Canada.

The humor is quite dry but the Awwww moments make this a must see.

Counting Bears in Algonquin 


Keep your stick on the ice.

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Dell Premium
Awesome!!! This is so cool. Thanks.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was very enjoyable Craig. Thank you. A treat!