Just for the fun of it

Last Update: July 16, 2012


Here's what a master trainer can do with lots of time on his hands.
Oh, and notice the liberal use of treats.

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ronamo Premium
Man and Mans best friends having fun. Fantastic Thanks
jaymekl Premium
awwwwww. loved it. and what the hell, I work for treats too, doesn't everyone?
David_S Premium
That was really cool.
lisawells Premium
way cool - that was fun! The dogs were having a good time as well as the trainer.
jpnetco Premium
Wow, very cool Labman, Are you an advocate of treats or no? I only notice treats and the end, but alot of praising and petting through out the demonstration. Regardless that was truly amazing. Thanks for sharing it. I'm sharing this for sure.
Labman_1 Premium
Some of the dogs were working for the pure joy of it. He had a handful of treats going all throughout. There were some that stopped in for a snack when they were done with the behavior. Treats are an easy way to reward most dogs. Hey they like to get paid too. My SAR dog works better for a toy now but won't turn down a treat if its offered.
jpnetco Premium
Snacks, balls, chew toys, pets and praise, I think dogs consider all these to be treats.
Labman_1 Premium
A very good point. Yup, all of these are rewards of one kind or another. Dogs do what feels good. Hedonists in a fur coat.