Posts by Labman_1 199
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August 11, 2012
I have a problem, I let some milkweed pods germinate in my backyard.Now they have infiltrated my garden and are growing out into the yard. This isn't a huge problem as I am a Monarch Caterpillar raiser. At this time of year, I collect Monarch caterpillars and raise them in a bucket. When they go into their chrysalis' I mount them and give them as gifts to important people in my life.They enjoy them for a week or two then when they hatch they release them back into the wild.This year, as
August 04, 2012
John Cleese of Monty Python fame did a recorded talk on YouTube.It is a lecture on Creativity.A smattering of humor but essentially it is a serious discussion.Curious? Here's the link:
August 02, 2012
I started at WA two years ago today.I was out of work in 2010, laid off from yet another job that I didn't really like and searching in vain for another but was not really excited about the prospect of working at another place.I decided that since my background was in computers that I would upgrade my skills. It occurred to me that there must be a way to make money online. At this point I had no clue that the internet was a huge source of unexplored information. To me it was a place to pl
August 01, 2012
For those of you that want to read all about The Rare Blue Lobster.I fixed the link so you can now get access to the article.Thanks for following along.If you didn't see the training
1 comment
July 28, 2012
WAbinarsI don't know how many of you attended Jay's WAbinar last night, if you haven't found the WAbinar button yet I do recommend you check this feature out. Under the Premium Services-Watch Wabinars.They are all recorded, except for a couple that had technical difficulties. Just about any question that you may have has been answered in one of these.They are mostly an hour long perhaps a bit longer. Sorry, no one has yet created a text file of the content so you will need to watch
Yesterday I was out in the garden picking peas when a lonely little Monarch butterfly came fluttering by. As I am a bit of a butterfly nut, I watched her (Yes, I do know how to identify the sexes of Monarch butterflies) checking out my milkweed plants.I planted the milkweed several years ago and it has pretty much become established in my garden. I've actually been a war with it this year. I wanted a few plants to feed to the caterpillars, once established Milkweed has a tendency to get ou
July 18, 2012
Many years ago my sister gave my daughter a whale for her birthday. Of course my first question what where are we going to keep it. This didn't turn out to be an issue as the gift was a whale adoption. The Humpback whale society was offering adoptions to garner funds so that they could continue their work.The Whale's name was Crystal. Apparently they can tell the different individuals by the markings on their tail flukes.This started a long time love affair with Humpback whales. Each yea
July 16, 2012's what a master trainer can do with lots of time on his hands.Oh, and notice the liberal use of treats.Enjoy.
July 12, 2012
Some of you may be new to this internet Thing.Thought I'd share a short little video from Google.This is a quick introduction to how Google Searches. H.
July 11, 2012
I just noticed that my followers has exceeded a milestone.Which one is that you ask? Well, I'm now into the 4 figure followers.Thanks to all who are watching me. I hope I'm giving good information to all.Feel Free to stop in and leave a comment, with 1002 of you I could use some guidance on what you need.I'll endeavor to fulfill as many requests as possible.Thanks again for all the follows. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.Of course that may be because the AC is not keeping up. :)