A trying day

Last Update: January 15, 2011

We are getting a bit of the white stuff tonight.

18 inches so far.

Ya, gotta love Lake Effect.

Tested Elphie on her 30 acre search in the middle of a blizzard.  She didn't pass this time either.  This time it was handler error.  She almost had the subject even though.  Wind was swirly so she lost the scent as fast as she found it.  Never got a good whiff to bring her in.

Started off with a huge bubble in my compass( don't get to use the GPS for this test) so my directions were off all freekin day.  

Ah, well  At least I'll be busy for the next 30 days in the article club.  Hoping this makes the difference with me and starts me on my way to earnings.

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morlandroger Premium
"Trying to figure out a twist to promote WA with my dogs. I guess we'll see how it works out. "
I subscribe to a blogger in South Wales who makes his blog very personal and his latest series of mails/videos emphasises this. Lots of people follow him for himself and he builds his promotions very gently on that. The real personal touch. You are good at that on here so carry it on into your new venture. Look up Davidwalker.tv No affiliate link but he has given me food for thought.
Pounders Premium
Keep trying Elphie will get it. My small town just recently had nearly 9 inches of snow. A record for the deep south area! My town shut completely down...haha. Couldnt imagine 18 inches! Good luck on the article club. I know you and the rest will see much more success soon to come after completing it! Good luck!
Labman_1 Premium
Trying to figure out a twist to promote WA with my dogs. I guess we'll see how it works out.
jatdebeaune Premium
Enjoy the Article Marketing Club Craig. See you there! Bring Elphie.
WRI Premium
sad make it up YES