Action Plan

Last Update: May 06, 2011

With the new Success in 30 Days club some things have gone by the wayside.

While Jay was doing his WAbinar ( since this is now material that I have seen before) I stopped in to my Action Plan again.  I have neglected this for some months now and figured I should finish it up.

 Action Plan Complete.


Silly me, I did all the stuff on all the lists but just never completed the task list checkoffs.  So, one more piece of the puzzle down.  Still working on my bonus so I'll keep you updated on its release but I figured its far enough along to check it off the list.

 Patting myself on the back.

If some of you are a bit confused, the Action Plan does fill in the blanks nicely.  So don't neglect it while you are doing other stuff.


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robert2704 Premium
Now that you mention it. I ain't finished that either. Just checked and I stopped at the PPC page. Funnily enough I remember that day. Phew...Even invested the extra in the article marketing accreditation course (wasn't included back then). Seemed the sensible thing to do. Budget $100 for a campaign or 67 for unlimited free campaigns. Didn't finish that either coz Squidoo got slapped. lol. As you'll can see...I'm great at following through.
Labman_1 Premium
I started on the Action Plan in August of 2010. There were no clubs back in those dark dark days. Glad the sun is shining now. I Love the clubs but had the action plan on my back burner all this time. Found that by doing the clubs most of the Action plan was resolved.
Claudia Robison Premium
Congratulations, Craig, on finally finishing the "Action Plan". I can't wait until I finish it and understand it fully and be able to help others (and make money, of course!). How long did it take you to finish this Action Plan? Kyle suggested I did this "30 Day Club" too and put off Action Plan for now. When did you sign up for WA?

Take care, my friend!
Sherion Premium
I have to go and check some stuff off that Action Plan too. I have been busy with the clubs and my site and life. I am going to go and do that right after I finish commenting.
Jamie Smith Premium
Jay's WAbinar classes and Kyle&Carson's Action Plan changed my life. I am forever grateful.