Billy Mays

Last Update: December 11, 2010

I'm betting that most of you have run into one or another of the products that were promoted by the late Billy Mays.  I don't know if you liked his pitch or were annoyed by the delivery but you probably recognize the genius in the marketing technique that he employed.

He had a 5 step process perfected by carnival hucksters and honed to a fine edge in the delivery where he sucked you in, in 120 seconds or less.

1. Picking the right product - Demonstrable ( The WOW factor), Mass Appeal, solves a problem, instant gratification, unique, good price point, high perceived value and tests well.

2. Ballying the Tip- Grabbing Attention, The demonstration, leverage your brand

3. Nodding them in- Establish agreement, Enthusiasm, Creditability, Effortless benefits, Expose the secret ingredient or mechanism, Eliminate (discredit) the alternatives.

4.  The Chill Down- Introduce the price, ask for the sale, double the offer ( add bonuses), reverse the risk, Close

5. Test, Tweak and Abandon or Rollout

 The medium we use is a bit different than the high pressure sales environment that they used but the principles are similar and can be adapted to fit our chosen medium.  Examine your sales efforts and use the template to your best advantage.


Wish me luck, TDI testing in the morning.


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Best of luck! Keep us posted!