Blog and Funn

Last Update: October 20, 2010

So, here I am 24 hours later still in a conundrum with my Blog and Funnel.

Apparently I did the set-up in the wrong order.  From the Forum posts it seems that this is a common issue.

Anyway, the name of the Aweber list that I entered before I actually set up the list and found that I couldn't use that name is embedded in the forms.  So I need help getting to the correct location in the HTML code to change the list name.

I have found one instance of the name in the Form code but am wondering 2 things.

1: What is the best way to edit this code.  Do I need to suck it up into Kompozer and edit it there or is there a better way to get into the code.

2: Are there multiple places in the code that need to have this variable adjusted ?  There are multiple pages and I don't know if this is a global variable or is local to each page and needs to be changed on each page.

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WRI Premium
Graig, If you are signed up as a super affiliate Marcus will provide you with help getting you blog set up correctly because it relates to promoting WA.