Blog and Funnel

Last Update: October 21, 2010

Well, it took a few days to get everything operational but I'm live with my Blog and Funnel.

IMPORTANT:  If you decide to set up the Blog and Funnel system, make sure you have set up the Aweber list FIRST.

At the very least make sure the list name that you choose for the Blog and Funnel is the same one that you enter into the Aweber account.  If you choose a name in the Blog and Funnel system and then enter a different name into the Aweber system the forms on the page will not work.

Many common names are not available in the Aweber system so you may get locked out of the list name that you choose.  If you create your Aweber list first the name will be chosen and then you can enter it into the Blog and Funnel system.

You do not have to populate the list before you set up the Blog and Funnel but make sure the list is named.

Answers to the previous Post:

1. Although it may be possible to upload the code to an HTML editor and edit the list name from there, it is much easier to delete the Blog and Forum and restart the process with a new name in the list location.

2.  This is moot if you delete and redo the process as above.

 OK, enough of a rant.  Off to finish yet another article.  I'm determined to get this Ezine Platinum soon. I'm still a long way from creating an article in 20 minutes.  I need at least 4 hours to cogitate.  Then it only takes a couple of hours to write.  Guess I'm slow. But slow and steady still gets me there, just turtleing along.

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Fallulah Premium
I know what you mean about the 4 hours to cogitate [lol]. Being a perfectionist is darned exhausting! I've spent quite a bit of time lately writing for EzArt but I seem to be getting the hang of it better now and I'm definitely speeding up - sooner than I thought as well. So hang in there Labman and I bet you'll find your turtle goes on boost faster than you think :)
WRI Premium
^5 Glad you got it all sorted out.

WRI Premium
^5 Glad you got it all sorted out.
