Busy Day

Last Update: October 19, 2010

Checked Ezine this morning. Article denied.  Seems something I did last week broke the link to my articles.  Soooo.  Put on the thinking cap. 

Since the forwarding was broken I guess I gotta take the plunge and set up a Blog and Funnel.

So off I went.  I've been putting this off because I thought a forwarding would work for a bit but now that option was obsolete.

OK.  First step... hosting account is set up

Second step...e-mail account set up 

3rd: Sign up to Aweber

4th: Sign up to Hostgator Affiliates.

5th:  Lets see.  Write an about me, write a blog post, check out the created pages.  Fix a couple of glaring misspellings on the imported content.

Sit through an Aweber tutorial.

OK, that's as far as I got so far.

Still to do...Add the e-mail stuff to the Aweber account and make sure it all works on the pages.  Whew, every day is an adventure.

The important thing is that the Ezine link works and sends the reader to a good location.  If I weren't such a perfectionist I suppose I could wait until tomorrow to finish this all up but I'm gonna keep at it until my eyes fall out or until I'm happy with the results.


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Fallulah Premium
Hope your eyes are still in place [lol]!