Busy Frustrating Day

Last Update: May 07, 2011

Popped over to a local park for K9 work this AM.

Elphie redeemed herself today.  We timed it right and just as she was starting to give up and have me show her the scent cone, she grabbed onto it and was off like a shot.  250 yards downwind of the subject.  Came back and pounced me good ( her indication) and took off back to the subject.

Second time, she was panting a bit so we had the subject call out from about 500 yards away.  That got her working well and we didn't see her again until she had made the find and came back to tell me she had found him. ( I already knew because we were in radio contact.)

Then I got to sit in a nice comfy chair while my blood was siphoned and then put back and siphoned again. I gave a double red donation so they filtered out the RBC and put back part of it.

If you can give blood, do give blood, the life you save may be someone you know.

Finally, I tried to mow the lawn, yup, tried, unsuccessfully.  I fought the lawn and the lawn won.  So now I have to fix the mower, ah well.

It's a bit frustrating knowing that even though life gets in the way, there is always IM waiting and of course, now there's the 30 in 30 to keep up with.

 Oh, and I made another sale!  Yahoo.  

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Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Christina, Hope you are keeping your feet dry.
Pounders Premium
Sounds like Elphie will be "good and ready" in no time! Improving day by day! Thanks for giving blood. Your right, your blood may actually save someone you know life! Don't get me started on lawns! In my house, we dread those days....almost 2 acres later... and the john deere is ready to throw the towel in too.....lol. Ohhhh, and special congrats on your sale. Thats was a good end to a frustrating day!