Charlie Brown

Last Update: October 08, 2010

I feel like Charlie Brown.  Banging my head against the wall.

I've been trying to get a landing page worked out.  Grabbed a copy of  KompoZer to solve a problem that I have with my test site.

The Test site doesn't have anything special just a place to play.  Got a blog set up and have been adding stuff to it here and there.  I hosted with Blue Host and there is this bogus home page that I have been trying to figure out how to change into something that I have made.  So far every attempt I have made to alter it comes up empty.

The Blog is in WP and on a sub-page.  Anyone want to point me to a solution to this?  I'm not opposed to spending time with tutorials if I see light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm starting to think there's a train coming.

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Labman_1 Premium
Yes they have a help ticket system. Guess I'm gonna have to break down and use it. Can't seem to solve this on my own and my resident expert just got gainfully employed so he's not available.
famousplumber Premium
Doesn't Blue Host have a help or "ticket" function? I use Hostgator and they have a strong support system. You can even call 'em 24/7. Blue Host probably has something similar. Check your WP admin panel and maybe even your c-panel, if Blue Host uses it.
Louise M. Premium
did you install wordpress correctly along with the database? can you access your wp-admin panel?