Christmas Shopping

Last Update: December 03, 2010

Started my Christmas Shopping today.

Yup, went downstairs into the shop and identified some scraps that can be turned into masterpieces.

So far I found a couple of pieces of Olivewood that I cut from a Russian Olive tree in the backyard.  Seems Russian Olive has some nasty thorns on it and one of them got me in the head when I was mowing under it.  So, down it came.  Now, 20 years later, I think its dry.  Gonna try my hand at turning some bowls with that.  Should make for a pretty turned bowl.

 Also came across some blocks of cherry.  Those should make a nice something or t'other.  And of course, I have about 100 board foot of Black Walnut 2 inches thick that should make some nice something or other.  If I can just figure out how to cut it to get around the bark inclusions.

 Anyone have some suggestions on what to turn that doesn't look like a candlestick?

With any luck, next year I will be able to spend some hard earned cash that has been generated from my online pursuits but for this year, I gotta get creative!

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Labman_1 Premium
One of my SAR team buddies lives in a snow belt south of Buffalo. 46 inches in the last week.
mr.billee Premium
well wishes 2- u and your family of labs,nothing like the feel of rough hewn wood! nothing plastic or phony about it,the smell of balsam ,spruce fir awonderful time of the year ! certain areas of n.y. state have had 40- in. snow in one storm! time 4-the snowblower,GOD bless bill
Louise M. Premium
I like wooden things that are not too polish and clean. you know, where you can still see the irregularity of the wood. maybe you could do like a rough wooden frame or jewel box... or a bathtub reading table. And then you could send it to Paris, France, 17 street... LOL ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
Bowls are great gifts. You don't have much time left before Christmas though. You can do long narrow somewhat flat beautifully finished pieces of wood that could be used for displaying votive candles, as a center piece for the table or used on a coffee table. Let the grain of the wood do most of the work. Or you can make long narrow shallow olive bowls.