Club Day 1

Last Update: January 18, 2011

After a morning writing articles I finally got started on the Day 1 Tasks for our new Club.  So far I have reviewed stuff that I mostly knew from before.  Refreshing my memory was a really good thing.  

I know I've seen this stuff before, I just haven't been to this particular tutorial before.  Hmmmm, you mean there's stuff on here I haven't seen yet.  Well, I think from what I've seen so far there's a wealth of information that I will be able to learn/re-learn.  I'm still excited.  Now more than ever.

 If you are new to this and get the opportunity to join a Club. I highly recommend it.



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BusinessTalent Premium
Hi Labman - I'm in the club too - will compare notes later.
I was in the Club when it premiered. You'll like it!
OneProsperity Premium
In am in the club :)
Hazie Premium
Thanks, Labman.
Hazie Premium
Thanks, Labman.