Club Week 1

Last Update: January 23, 2011

What an amazing experience we are having in the Article Marketing Club.

I haven't seen a whole lot of new stuff that I haven't seen before but......

(I have seen this stuff before)

Each task has a purpose and each purpose is associated with an action.  If you do the work specified things seem to fall together.

I sat down to write an article yesterday, organized my thoughts a bit before starting and started writing.  Had to rein in my verbosity at the end and finish my point to stay under 600 words.  Sad thing is, I still have enough to write 6 more articles on the same topic.  It's amazing what a little research will do for your focus.  I think this huge article took me less time to create than some of my previous 300 word articles.  So my take away from the first week. 

Do your research.

Can't wait to see what Marcus has in store for us next week.

Craig H.


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VictorT Premium
That is awesome Craig. I always dreaded writing articles. So much so, that I would do other things and try and buy more stuff, but I finally realize that there is no getting around it. I actually have confidence that I can actually write them on my own now instead of outsourcing.

Keep up the good work.