Elphie's Good Day

Last Update: August 27, 2010

Spent the morning yesterday in the woods with my Search and Rescue dog, Elphie.

We spent about 45 minutes working up and down a hillside looking for someone that had hidden in the woods.  I covered about 20 acres back and forth and back and forth.  She was actually working pretty well, ranging out about 50 yards and then back to me to check in.  After about 1/2 an hour, the radio crackled and the subject was wondering why I hadn't found her yet.  Seems I was looking in the wrong place.  This was not really a bad thing since I have been having problems getting the pup to work at all and today she was doing a pretty good job.  

Well, we sorted out where to look and I moved over to the correct area, Elphie made the find, mauled the subject for a bit, came back and told me she had found her and we headed back to the car.  All in all a pretty good day.  

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Penelope Premium
How interesting. I love to watch dogs work no matter what the subject is, they are so intelligent and graceful.
Fallulah Premium
I bet this would make a great blog subject, y'know from starting training a puppy in this field right throughto the end ... I think it would build a real relationship with your readers as well, dog people are generally lovely people. So they'd probably trust your recommendations too.