
Last Update: December 09, 2010

I've been reading a lot about a certain metaphor that is floating around that is supposed to be motivational. This is the story of the Elephant and its tiny tether rope.  When little the elephant is chained and tries to break the chain.  It is of course too large and it cannot free itself.  When older the chain is replaced by a small rope.  Thinking the chain is still attached it doesn't try to escape anymore.  The behavior exhibited is called extinction and is used in the dog training world quite extensively to extinguish unwanted behaviors.  

This is fresh in my mind since an article was just submitted on the subject. ( but I digress).  The key point of this training is that a specific behavior is not responded to.  It is not positively reinforced or negatively punished.  It is just ignored.

Frequently it may seem that your IM efforts are not being noticed.  Early in your IM efforts there is very little traffic or information coming back to you regarding what is happening out there in the ephemeral internet.  Your efforts get no results.  You appear to be ignored.  Please don't let this deter your efforts.  Keep at it.  Don't let the spark get extinguished.  We can be better than an animal be it dog or elephant. That's what sets us apart as a species.

We can overcome extinction.

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wizozz Premium

I think it is also called "learned helplessness" in psychology.

But the good news is that, you can also learn that you can help yourself, or "unlearn" your "helplessness"
Sherion Premium
Thanks. I needed that. I won't let my spark go out.
WRI Premium
Good to see you break a little rope .. We all do in time :)