Got a hunch?

Last Update: October 23, 2010

I listened and listened to the mentors and found myself cruising the magazine racks looking for some niche ideas.  Well actually I was waiting for a 'script to be filled but anyway....

Picked up a copy of Wired Magazine.  I know geek at heart.

They had an article on the founder of flicker who has since moved on to other things.

This other thing is called

Seems to be, well actually it is, a site dedicated to mining the web for information and trends.  Hmmm, any chance someone might be able to figure out how this could be useful?

I know I'm intrigued.

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Labman_1 Premium
I know what you mean about missing them. I still miss my boy. We ran hunt trials for almost a decade then stomach cancer got him. The problem with dogs is their lifespan is so much less than ours.
Barnabus Premium
Hi Labman...I took a quick look at and after playing around with it, saw how it could (with emphasis on could) lead to 'target marketing.'...I skipped from place to place on the website and found some interesting topics. Now, since is a data miner and is supposed to get smarter as time goes by, as more people visit, the areas of interest will also change..I have to play around with it a few more visits. Keep me informed of what you find...Barnabus. Thanks for the heads up. (BTW..Every time I see your labs, I think about my white lab I had for many years. He was a great companion and I still miss him a lot.)
WRI Premium
I have a hunch it might be a really good place to find niche markets.