Last Update: December 14, 2010

I signed up with a knowledgeable web professional a few months back so that I could get a handle on HTML. Her free course was exceptional and I recommend it to anyone interested in learning HTML.

I also have a subscription to her e-mail letters and the latest one posted this link to her directory of articles on everything web related.  There are some real pearls in this list.

Jennifer Kyrnin html articles

 Hope this helps someone to understand something that is frustrating you.

It did for me.


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Fallulah Premium
Sorry Craig, just seen your reply! I hope so though maybe with a slightly different focus :) ... My mum's having chemo at the moment and so I'm spending a lot of time with her etc ... In some ways that gives me a little more space to be here and in other ways I feel squeezed beyond belief ... lol! rich tapestry of life :)
Fallulah Premium
Great resource Craig - thanks.
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks, nice to see you here again. Back for a while?
jatdebeaune Premium
Good to know this Craig. Need to learn HTML and a bunch of other techy things.
Yoshi Premium
Nice. thanks to share
I have using this free school 2
WRI Premium
Thanks. I've been wanting to get a good handle on HTML