I'm Guilty

Last Update: March 02, 2011

I'm Guilty,  well I was guilty.

I write articles to the specification, get them approved and then the bar gets raised.  I don't fault Ezine for taking the steps that they feel are required to raise their rankings back to their former glory. ( The wife had a few choice words).

So, I had some articles that were substandard.  I slapped them up there and met the former criteria.  They were approved and I was happy. Most of my articles exceed the 400 word length as I couldn't really make a good point in under this amount.

So, the bar gets raised and I went over to Ezine to check on the status of my articles.  Turns out that 15 of them were under 400 words.  Only one was under 300.  So, time for a rewrite on 15 articles.  While at it I enhanced the ones that don't seem to be performing very well, tweeked the resource box and generally cleaned up my act.

All but four have been re-accepted and the others will probably be tomorrow. ( Gotta love Platinum status) A necessary evil I guess.  So off I go to do a bunch of back-linking on the revised articles and see if I can get some visitors from the revisions. 

It will be interesting to see if there are people that still see them given the reduction in ranking that E-zine seems to have suffered.

 If you haven't checked on your articles, it behooves you to run through them and polish them up a bit.  Don't know when the new standards take effect or if they will step on articles that don't meet the new standards.  Better safe than sorry.

Ezine Blog Post on Quality 

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Darlenemarie39 Premium
Wow, thanks for the reminder...just not enough hours in the day. Gotta go...need to check on those articles...
avilanch2001 Premium
behooves you.... HAHAHA I love that word...... uhhh sorry. Its the caffine. Anyways thanks for the update ill be checking up on mine.
Pounders Premium
Your certainly right about going back and check your articles to be sure that there up to Ezines standards. I certainly dont want to lose "kicked out" from them. They got too much "rank juice"- as Jay calls it...ha ha!
Labman_1 Premium
Looks like length is the only criteria that has changed.
They have changed a few other things.
Check the blog for details
jatdebeaune Premium
What are the new standards based on? Quality of content or length?