Its been awhile

Last Update: November 27, 2011

For those of you that like the dog world I thought I'd give you a bit of an update on what's been going on.

 If you have followed my posts you know that I'm a dog trainer in my "spare time" and recently changed Search and Rescue Teams.  I'm so glad I made the decision to change.  My new Team has made me feel welcome, responded to my needs and provided the necessary support to make a tough decision. After a GPS qualification and a vote of confidence from the team I have been promoted to a full fledged member with voting rights and all the rank and privilege that goes with it (There actually is no rank and privilege it just sounded good).

 Elphie is not gonna make it as a SAR dog.  She contracted Lymes a couple of years ago and it appears to be affecting her health enough that she gets to be a pet.  Well, at least her designation is changing to Therapy Dog instead of SAR Dog.  It's a less rigorous pursuit  that she is well qualified to undertake.

This means that Gracie gets to step up and take over Elphie's spot on the SAR Team.  As her obedience is first rate and she's almost as Wacko(motivated) as Elphie I expect she will do well.  Her first 2 trainings were exceptional.  

 On the SAR front November was a busy month.  Around Syracuse there were several hunters that did not return from their outings, an auto accident (DWI) and a police search.  There were lots of man hours dedicated to providing closure for the families.  There were even 2 live finds. (Police search and an Elderly wanderer.)  I thought I would get a vacation over the holiday but Friday saw me out in the woods yet again.  At least the weather is holding so far.  Last year at this time there was a foot of snow on the ground.

 All this activity doesn't leave a whole lot of time for writing but I certainly am bookmarking the experiences for further posts on my blogs and websites.

 Hope everyone in the US had a good Thanksgiving.  Count your blessings well, there are lots of people that aren't seeing a way out of this economy.

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4wardthinker Premium
Awesome Post! There is nothing better than reading about someone who is "giving" to their fellow man rather than always "taking" from them. Your job doesn't have a season and it's great to know that you are out there in all conditions helping people and their families. Had a great Thanksgiving here. Good luck to you.
dijunq Premium
It's wonderfull hearing from someone who is making a difference in this world we all need to put a little of ourselfs to make it a better and safer place to live THANK YOU.