Must love dogs.

Last Update: July 20, 2011

So, I trusted my dogs to be out the other day.

Left them out all night scattered around my bed.

This went well so I figured I was finally over the hurdle and I could actually trust them a bit unsupervised.

Boy was I misguided!

Cooked some chicken for dinner and left some out on the stove while I worked online for a bit.  Crash, the dish hit the floor.  I reacted in time to save my lunch. I had to clean off the dog hair though.

Then back to work......last night I was reading my friends new book and left it on the bedside stand.  Suddenly it got really quiet.  Apparently my youngest one was interested in making a good impression on the world and decided to digest the contents of the book ( There's no such thing as Public Speaking).  Literally digest the book.  Fortunately I was able to obtain an undamaged copy.

Just thought I'd share.  I'm sure all of you Lab owners have similar stories.

Just keep telling yourself, I love my dogs, I love my dogs......

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smokeywins Premium
Luckily my dog is not tall enough to reach the top of the counter. The cats on the other hand, well, one can reach the top with his paws, and on a few occasions has knocked the food bowl off when hubby was preparing their dinner... Must love pets in general because if you don't then you won't be able to tolerate their antics.
Louise M. Premium
haha! I can't wait to have a dog! :D Your labs are cuties!
Barnabus Premium
It's a dog eat chicken world out there and pages in a book do get dog eared when used dog eaten...altogether different scenario...gotta love the dogs though...Barnabus
sherbet penny Premium
Hahahahaha got to love pets,never lose their youthful spirit
Felio Premium
Not a Lab story but a story of a Golden Retriever which I witnessed before my eyes during one of my visit to my friend's home. My friend dropped a ten dollar bill on the floor in his home. His unsupervised Golden Retriever ran to retrieve the bill. Instead of giving it to its owner, swallowed it up before he could pick it. The whole incident happened so fast. Does dollar bill taste delicious to dogs?